Why some Survey Beacons were moved on Sabotaged Olympus in Apex Legends

If you are playing Apex Legends on the new Sabotaged Olympus map update, you may feel a small, but noticeable change, especially if you play a Recon Legend. So, what is the change? On Olympus, many of the Survey Beacons that Recon Legends can scan to find the next ring location were formerly in safer…

If you are playing Apex Legends on the new Sabotaged Olympus map update, you may feel a small, but noticeable change, especially if you play a Recon Legend. So, what is the change? On Olympus, many of the Survey Beacons that Recon Legends can scan to find the next ring location were formerly in safer or powerful camping sections on the map. With Sabotaged Olympus, this is no longer the case.

Multiple Survey Beacons have been moved to new locations that will make it harder or riskier for players to scan them. In these new positions, players will be more likely to be targeted in combat, or need to give up power positions to reach the beacons. Two of the most important Survey Beacons that have been moved are the one in the Hammond Labs Research Basin, and the one in Golden Gardens.

Related: All high-tier loots locations on Olympus in Apex Legends

While these repositionings will be pretty brutal for less mobile Recon Legends, such as Seer or Bloodhound, this will be the moment that the more-mobile Recon Legends such as Pathfinder and Valkyrie can really shine. Keep in mind, though, that some of the Survey Beacons did stay in their original locations.

For more Apex Legends content, check out Why the Jump Towers in Labs and Solar Array were removed from Olympus in Apex Legends on Pro Game Guides.

