What class should you choose in Disciples: Liberation – How many classes are there?

Upon starting the game, you do not get to choose a class straight away. You have to wait until you have reached the third area to choose one of the four classes available. These are the only classes in the game, so choose wisely.

Upon starting the game, you do not get to choose a class straight away. You have to wait until you have reached the third area to choose one of the four classes available. These are the only classes in the game, so choose wisely.

Your class determines what abilities you possess and what skill tree you have access to. Ultimately, choose the class that fits your playstyle. Here are the four classes you can choose in Disciples: Liberation.


Warlord is the melee class, the into the fray frontline fighter. You are not one to hang around at the back of the fight. As soon as the battle has begun, you are already sprinting towards danger before anybody. While inspiring your allies with buffs to stand firm with you against your foe.

  • Stats
    • Strength—Two
    • Constitution—Three
    • Dexerity—One
    • Intelligence—One
    • Mana Points—Two gained per Level
  • Abilities
    • Piercing Strike
      • Strike an enemy with precision and force, dealing Physical damage. Piercing Strike ignores 50 percent of physical resistence, and inflicts Curse on a target.
    • Purification
      • Purifies the area surrounding you, dealing Divine damage to enemies. Inflicts Taunted on enemies, and grants Inspired to allies.
    • Divine Strength (Passive)
      • Grants Physical Protection and Physical Might to allies within two tiles of you


Hexblade is the assassin of the four classes. A mixture of melee with magic. You do not want to be at the frontlines of the fight. Instead, you want to be skulking around the back of your enemies, looking out of weak spots, then striking, dealing massive damage. But make sure your enemies' attention is entirely on your allies, or you'll be in danger.

  • Stats
    • Strength—Two
    • Constitution—One
    • Dexerity—Two
    • Intelligence—Two
    • Mana Points—Two gained per Level
  • Abilities
    • Venom Strike
      • Strikes with a poison-coated blade, dealing Physical damage, and inflicts Poison on the target.
    • Burning Verdict
      • Burns the Target with divine truth, dealing Divine damage. Inflicts Paralyzed and Burning on the target.
    • Dexterous (Passive)
      •  Grants Improved Critical and Evasive allies within two tiles of you

Related: How to heal in Disciples: Liberation


The Seeress is essentially the group's long-ranged healer but can also smite enemies with massive divine damage. Having a healer is one of the only ways to heal in battle in the game, so your first aim is making sure your allies are healthy. Second, deal as much damage as possible.

  • Stats
    • Strength—One
    • Constitution—Two
    • Dexerity—One
    • Intelligence—Two
    • Mana Points—Three gained per Level
  • Abilities
    • Polar Ray
      • Blasts a beam of ice randomly bouncing between enemies afterward, dealing Primal damage. Inflicts Chilled on the Targets.
    • Radiance
      • Emits pure divine energy around you, dealing Divine damage to enemies and healing allies.
    • Holy Resillience (Passive)
      •  Grants Regen to allies with two tiles away from you.


The Witch is very much like the Seeress but without the healing aspect. This class is all about causing status effects and debuffs, as well as dealing catastrophic damage to your foes.

  • Stats
    • Strength—One
    • Constitution—One
    • Dexerity—Two
    • Intelligence—Two
    • Mana Points—Three gained per Level
  • Abilities
    • Anguish
      • Burdens the target with dark searing magic, dealing Unholy Damage, inflicting Bleeding and Afraid on them.
    • Heaven's Light
      • Rains down divine light on enemies in the targeted area, dealing Divine Damage, and it inflicts Weakened on the targets.
    • Inspiring Power (Passive)
      •  Hearten Allies, granting Divine Might and Unholy Might to them within two tiles away from you.

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