How to Make Root Armor in Valheim?

To make root armor in Valheim, players will need to gather the following materials in the game. When you get all three materials, you will be able to craft a full set of root armor, by heading to a level two workbench.

To make root armor in Valheim, players will need to gather the following materials in the game. When you get all three materials, you will be able to craft a full set of root armor, by heading to a level two workbench.

  • Roots
  • Ancient Bark
  • Deer Hides

Getting all three materials needed to make root armor in Valheim is easy once you know where and how to get the resources. The table chart below will explain where to get all three materials in the game and the exact amount of all three resources you will need.

  • Related: Valheim Update & Patch Notes (November 2021)
ResourceWhere to find and get20 RootsTo get roots in Valheim, players will need to find and kill a new enemy variant called Abominations. Players can find Abominations in the Swamp biome, and can kill them with ease if they use weapons that deal fire damage. 20 Ancient BarkTo get Ancient bark in Valheim, players will need to grab an Axe and chop down ancient trees in the swamp biome.4 Deer HidesTo get deer Hides in Valheim, players will need to locate Deer in the Meadows biome and kill them, and upon death, the Deer will drop their hides.

Once you have the amount of all three resources listed above, take them to a workbench that has been upgraded to level two. At a tier two workbench, players will be able to make both the root harness, the root leggings, and the root mask.

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