How to Fix Fortnite’s “” Code

When trying to connect to a server, every so often, you'll run into the infamous server_error code that all players dread. It's not the end of the world, but it is (temporarily) the end of your matchmaking. Read on below to see what you should do when you encounter this error before your next drop.

When trying to connect to a server, every so often, you'll run into the infamous server_error code that all players dread. It's not the end of the world, but it is (temporarily) the end of your matchmaking. Read on below to see what you should do when you encounter this error before your next drop.

How to Fix Fortnite's "" code

We have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that you did nothing wrong, and you're still our favorite player. Sometimes you just run into a problem, and nothing can be done! The bad news? Well...there is no official fix that you can do on your end since this error is almost always caused by something server-side.

This error code often shows up when the Fortnite servers are under heavy stress due to a sudden influx of players or unscheduled maintenance interfering with matchmaking. What generally happens is that your connection is sending out data, and Fortnite's servers are having a problem acknowledging and/or responding to it. It is possible that your connection is at fault, but when that happens you will almost certainly be met with a different error code.

Related: You do not have permission to play Fortnite error - Pro Game Guides

That all having being said, there are still a few tasks you can do before you try again. Two, in fact! We're listing them below.

  • Check the server status: Epic Games provides us with this lovely website that tells you if there are currently any issues with the servers. If anything other than All Systems Operational is displayed here, that suggests you might have problems joining a match. Green means go!
  • Check your connection: The link to check your connection leads you to a simple speed test to make sure you're uploading and downloading at the appropriate speeds. If you notice traffic to your device is significantly slower than average, try to determine the cause.

Before you go, here is a helpful note. You'll find you run into this error code most often after new patches and updates are dropped. So if you see this error after one of these drops, don't be surprised. From what we've seen, the developers at Epic Games provide new content daily, and sometimes the content they make has bugs that stop the server. Be patient! You'll be back on the BattleBus in no time.

There are plenty of other Fortnite guides for common account issues. Check out this guide to Enable 2FA on your account!

