Dragon Hunter Deck – Descent of Dragons

Our Dragon Hunter Deck List Guide features an early look at this potential archetype for the Descent of Dragons (DoD) expansion! We've got detailed information on mulligans, card choices and replacements. Just about every class got some Dragon synergy in this expansion, but Hunter in particular got a couple of the best ones.

Our Dragon Hunter Deck List Guide features an early look at this potential archetype for the Descent of Dragons (DoD) expansion! We've got detailed information on mulligans, card choices and replacements. Just about every class got some Dragon synergy in this expansion, but Hunter in particular got a couple of the best ones.

Dragon Hunter is a very new archetype, and it remains to be seen how it will be built. There's the possibility of going aggressive, midrange, or even singleton. It will take some working out to see what ends up as the best option for the DoD meta.

Dragon Hunter Deck List

Here's a first look at a possible Dragon Hunter deck in Descent of Dragons:

Hunter Neutral 2x - Dwarven Sharpshooter 2x - Faerie Dragon 2x - Springpaw 2x - Firetree Witchdoctor 2x - Tracking 2x - Scalerider 2x - Corrosive Breath 1x - Frizz Kindleroost 2x - Primordial Explorer 2x - Scaleworm 2x - Stormhammer 2x - Big Ol' Whelp 2x - Unleash the Hounds 2x - Evasive Wyrm 1x - Dragonbane 1x - Houndmaster Shaw 1x - Veranus

Deck Code

AAECAR8EgPMCh7ADiLAD2LIDDeEElwjbCYnxAqCFA+iJA4qtA4utA/yvA/6vA+ewA4WxA4exAwA= Copy Code

We're likely to see some changes to the archetype in the future, we'll be updating this list and guide with more popular versions once they are revealed!

Dragon Hunter Mulligan Guide

We are just looking to get on board early to keep things clear enough to land our Treants and take advantage of the various cards we have that synergize with them.

Always Keep

  • Dwarven Sharpshooter - While the effect is nice, the stat line is very strong for a 1-drop minion. This is a great card for challenging boards, and we can even use our hero power the following turn to remove something if necessary.
  • Springpaw - Very solid early game card that allows us to trade and get an additional minion into our hand.
  • Faerie Dragon - Solid early game card that has the Dragon tag to enable our other synergy cards.
  • Primordial Explorer - One of the better Dragon cards to come out of the expansion. It can trade with just about anything due to the Poisonous, and you get another Dragon for your hand.

Possible Keeps

  • Scalerider - You'll need to make sure you have at least one Dragon in your mulligan to keep this. It can be awkward, because you'll need to have the Dragon in your hand. This is a good card to coin out if you're going second.
  • Frizz Kindleroost - We want this card for sure against a control deck, but it's on the slow side if we're facing off against a faster deck. You can keep it if you know for sure you're playing against Control, or you have a good curve in your mulligan.

Hearthstone Descent of Dragons Deck Guides Coverage

  • How to get Doug and Margaret to visit in Rune Factory 5
  • Pure Paladin Deck (Lightforged) – Descent of Dragons
  • Pirate Warrior Deck (Updated!) – Descent of Dragons
  • Galakrond Warlock Deck – Descent of Dragons
  • Galakrond Shaman Deck (Updated!) – Descent of Dragons
  • Galakrond Rogue Deck (Updated!) – Descent of Dragons
  • Dragon Highlander Mage Deck (Updated!) – Descent of Dragons
  • Galakrond Priest Deck – Descent of Dragons
  • Dragon Warlock Deck – Descent of Dragons
  • Dragon Paladin Deck – Descent of Dragons

Play Strategy & Card Combinations

This is a midrange based deck, so we're looking to hold the board as much as possible and punish control decks with minions and defend against aggro. If you're against a fast deck, we're just looking to make the best trades possible and hopefully turn the game around in the middle turns. If you are facing off against control, we want to be aggressive and beatdown our opponent with on-curve minions that we're playing each turn. Frizz Kindleroost is particularly good against Control because they'll struggle to deal with the reduced cost cards we're putting on the board each turn.

We've got quite a few good early game cards like Dwarven Sharpshooter which potentially gives us a way to clear a minion the following turn. We also got Springpaw which is one of the better early game drops in Standard right now.

Make sure to always use your Stormhammer prior to trading in your Dragon minions on the board so you don't lose a durability! It will take some practice to get used to sequencing this situation correctly, so make sure not to accidentally trade in the wrong order.

What can sometimes be a bit awkward about this type of deck is that we'll occasionally need to hold onto a Dragon to activate our synergy cards. Scalerider in particular will have us debating about whether or not we can afford to play our Faerie Dragon and be without an activator. Most of the time you'll just want to be proactive, but there will be times when we need to play more slowly.

Primordial Explorer is one of the best class based Dragons released in the new set. This card forces our opponent to remove it before they can safely play a large minion. If you can drop this on an empty board, you've got a card that can trade and destroy just about anything our enemy plays.

Veranus is a good later game play that can help get us the board back. It pairs particularly well with Unleash the Hounds which can trade down all of the reduced health minions our opponent has on the board.

There's not really a finisher in this deck, we're mostly just looking to overrun our opponent with strong minions. Frizz Kindleroost can really help with this by reducing the cost of our Dragons and allowing us to play more than one each turn.

Card Substitutions

There's quite a bit of Neutral Dragon based synergy cards that could end up in the list, so you aren't hurting for options if you're missing some of the legendary cards.

  • Tasty Flyfish - Hand buffs haven't ever been very good, so it's unlikely that this card will see play.
  • Diving Gryphon - It's not a Dragon and doesn't have synergy with them, but it could just be a good midrange card to include into the list.
  • Evasive Feywing - Solid card but might not be good enough to make the cut of Dragon based decks.
  • Zilliax - Would work great in a Rush based list.
  • Crowd Roaster - Pretty good single target removal which is something Hunter lacks.
  • Evasive Drakonid - Might be too plain of a card to make the cut, but it gets a lot better if you can hit it with Frizz Kindleroost.

