Best Warlock Decks for Scholomance (June 2022) – Standard & Wild!

Warlock's hero power has always made it a dangerous class to play against! From the classic Zoolocks to Handlocks, Warlock has been one of the premiere classes in the game over the history of Hearthstone! We'll be taking a look at the best Warlock decks you'll be able to play with in the Scholomance Academy…

Warlock's hero power has always made it a dangerous class to play against! From the classic Zoolocks to Handlocks, Warlock has been one of the premiere classes in the game over the history of Hearthstone! We'll be taking a look at the best Warlock decks you'll be able to play with in the Scholomance Academy expansion. The class got some particularly interesting stuff to play with in the new expansion. That means there's hopefully going to be some new options to bring into the Standard or Wild ladder!

Warlock is probably one of the most recognizable classes throughout the days of Hearthstone. You have the classic Warlock Zoo that has been around in some shape or form from the beginning days of the game. Handlock which was a favorite among many players due to its unique style of play, and ability to heavily leverage the class' hero power. There was also Cube Warlock, which used Carnivorous Cube to takeover boards. Demonlock has also had times of strength, where Warlock got to explore their evil side anymore by employing a full deck worth of demons!

Best Warlock Decks for Scholomance Standard

The best decks for Warlock in the Scholomance meta right now are the Soul Fragment Handlock and Galakrond Warlock decks! Things aren't looking too great for the class right now, and the Soul Fragment list is the only one standing out from the new stuff at the moment.

Soul Fragment Warlock (Handlock)

While some people are calling this a Handlock, I don't really think it is one. You aren't really looking to increase your hand size for any particular reason. This was the whole point of the original deck, and would allow for you to play cheap Mountain Giants or high health Twilight Drakes. This deck is more of a pain deck, where you use your hero power to reduce the cost of Flesh Giant. The Soul Fragments are helpful to gain health back, and will also decrease the cost of the giant as well!

Warlock Neutral 2x - Raise Dead 2x - Tour Guide 2x - Flame Imp 2x - Soulfire 2x - Spirit Jailer 2x - Voidwalker 2x - Expired Merchant 2x - Soul Shear 2x - Darkglare 2x - Neferset Thrasher 2x - Brittlebone Destroyer 2x - Diseased Vulture 2x - Nightshade Matron 2x - Hand of Gul'dan 2x - Flesh Giant

Deck Code

AAECAf0GAA8wzgfCCPukA/2kA4GlA7W5A7a5A8u5A5vNA9bOA9fOA8HRA8zSA83SAwA= Copy Code

Galakrond Warlock

The new Galakrond Warlock mixes in Soul Fragments with Galakrond synergies.

Warlock Neutral 2x - Plague of Flames 2x - Tour Guide 2x - Spirit Jailer 2x - Mo'arg Artificer 2x - Nether Breath 2x - Devoted Maniac 2x - Soul Shear 2x - Shield of Galakrond 2x - Dragonblight Cultist 1x - Kronx Dragonhoof 2x - School Spirits 1x - Alexstrasza 2x - Brittlebone Destroyer 2x - Veiled Worshipper 2x - Crazed Netherwing 1x - Galakrond, the Wretched 1x - Soulciologist Malicia

Deck Code

AAECAf0GBMUE47QD8b8Dz9IDDZ2pA+WsA+isA+qsA+ysA/6uA6qvA+m+A6zLA5vNA9bOA8zSA83SAwA= Copy Code

Prior to Expansion: Quest Warlock Deck

Quest Warlock is probably the most popular list from Warlock at the moment. It's a control deck that seeks to draw a bunch of cards to complete its Quest, and then draw late game minions that will get hit with the powerful new hero power.

Warlock Neutral 2x - Mortal Coil 2x - Questing Explorer 2x - Rain of Fire 1x - Zephrys the Great 2x - Soulfire 2x - Mo'arg Artificer 1x - Supreme Archaeology 1x - Alexstrasza 2x - Nether Breath 1x - Dragonqueen Alexstrasza 2x - Plot Twist 1x - Malygos 2x - Dark Skies 1x - Sense Demons 2x - Crazed Netherwing 2x - Abyssal Summoner 2x - Aranasi Broodmother 1x - Keli'dan the Breaker 1x - Twisting Nether

Deck Code

AAECAf0GCLQDxQTbBtwG66MD/KMDkbED7r8DC84HxAjalgPamwO7pQPlrAPrrAPsrAPtrAPurAPpvgMA Copy Code

Prior to Expansion: Zoo Warlock Deck

You can just about always find a Zoolock of some sort on the ladder from Warlock. It might not always be the best deck, but it is usually strong enough to holds its own in most cases. It is currently one of the more popular options for the class at the moment, and could be getting stronger due to some new additions from Scholomance!

Warlock Neutral 2x - Fiendish Servant 2x - Argent Squire 2x - Soulfire 2x - Beaming Sidekick 2x - Voidwalker 2x - Blazing Battlemage 2x - EVIL Genius 2x - Guardian Augmerchant 2x - Expired Merchant 1x - Shieldbearer 2x - Imprisoned Scrap Imp 2x - Transfer Student 2x - Nightshade Matron 1x - Zephrys the Great 2x - Hand of Gul'dan 2x - Magic Carpet

Deck Code

AAECAf0GAuIG/KMDDjD1Bc4HiJ0DtZ8D/aQD/acD+a4DsLYDtbkDtrkDx7kD3r4Dw8wDAA== Copy Code

Best Warlock Decks for Scholomance Wild

Wild can be a bit difficult to predict, so here's a look at some decks that have been successful on the Wild ladder. You will find that the meta of Wild doesn't fluctuate as much as Standard does when a new expansion is released. This generally only happens if one Standard deck in particular is very dominant. Normally, you will notice that just the most powerful cards out of the set find their way into decks.

Wild Discard Zoolock Deck

While Zoo has had strong showings in Standard from time to time, it lives on in a stronger form in the Wild format. With all of the cards over the years that have dealt with discard, they have combined to make a strong aggressive board controlling list that is happy to throw some cards out of their hand!

Warlock Neutral 2x - Flame Imp 2x - Kobold Librarian 2x - Malchezaar's Imp 2x - Soulfire 2x - Voidwalker 2x - Darkshire Librarian 2x - Expired Merchant 2x - Felstalker 2x - Tiny Knight of Evil 2x - Silverware Golem 2x - Fist of Jaraxxus 2x - Lakkari Felhound 2x - Nightshade Matron 2x - Doomguard 2x - Hand of Gul'dan

Deck Code

AAEBAf0GAA8w0AT3BM4HwgjEFNkVr6wC1LMCvLYCkccC8tAC/aQDtbkDtrkDAA== Copy Code

Wild Cube Warlock Deck

The classic Cubelock deck is among the strongest choices for Warlock in the eternal format. The deck looks remarkably similar to the ones that were played in Standard, but has added a few new cards from various recent sets.

Warlock Neutral 2x - Kobold Librarian 2x - Mistress of Mixtures 2x - Plague of Flames 2x - Carnivorous Cube 2x - Unstable Felbolt 2x - Faceless Manipulator 2x - Defile 1x - Zilliax 1x - Expired Merchant 1x - N'Zoth, the Corruptor 2x - Dark Skies 2x - Sense Demons 2x - Voidcaller 1x - Skull of the Man'ari 2x - Enhanced Dreadlord 1x - Mal'Ganis 2x - Voidlord 1x - Bloodreaver Gul'dan

Deck Code

AAEBAf0GBsIP4KwCl9MC2+kCoIAD/aQDDJME3AaODt7EAufLAvLQAovhAujnAp2pA+usA8S5A72+AwA= Copy Code

